We’ve got a new Spring in our step
Springtime, a time of growth, renewal, new life and new challenges so it’s the perfect time for us to reveal what we have been working on behind the scenes for the past few months – our exciting brand refresh!
Why the REFRESH?
Every successful business goes through various stages of growth and during each stage new opportunities are presented. It is vital that throughout this time a business focuses on matching any opportunities with their business skills, experiences and passion in order to succeed. We aren’t doing anything too crazy such as changing our name, but we are looking to change the way we communicate our brand, all the way from our logo to the website.
Our initial branding was created back in 2015 when we first changed our name to Inline.marketing – in 5 short and very busy years, and a start of a new decade, we figured it was time to bring our branding more ‘in line’ (pun intended) and reflect who we now are as a business. We want our clients to experience the very best level of service every step of the way, and for our Brand to truly represent these values and to continue to evolve with us as we grow.
Our process:
Over the last year we’ve had many chats internally about our core values and what we think the Inline brand represents. We also requested feedback from many of our partners to get a better understanding of what your thoughts are from an external point of view.
We were very happy to see that some of the reoccurring themes that were represented included:
– Reliability
– Service
– Quality
– Efficient
– Peace of Mind
– Problem Solver
Based on these ideas, and ones from our internal team, we have almost finalised our new brand position and a new visual identity. We are aiming to officially launch in the Summer – but we will be sharing a little insight via our social media channels very soon so please do give us a like or a follow!