This month at Inline we are joining others around the world in celebrating pride month.
Whilst so much has been achieved already to embrace diversity and inclusion, there is still a long way to go and we are extremely proud to be playing a small part in raising awareness and working towards removing the barriers that remain.
It is inspiring that so many people are able to come together to celebrate, raise awareness and encourage inclusiveness. We have, like many others changed our logo for this reason. Our logo is part of our core brand, it represents the values and beliefs of our business. Incorporating the rainbow flag into our logo during pride month allows us to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQI community and show our support for the changes to come.
It is also the perfect time for us to review our own equal rights policies to ensure that we put our beliefs into practice in a way that will make a real difference to people’s lives. We want to create and maintain an equal, safe and healthy environment for our team to work in. We want everyone to take pride in who they are and have the opportunities to work towards achieving the changes that we all want to see.
Following this year’s theme which asks “What does Pride mean to you” we want to let people know that for us it’s that everyone deserves equal rights, plain and simple.
As an organisation as well as a group of individuals, we recognise the rights of our LGBTQI colleagues and friends to live and work, free of prejudice and discrimination with all the essential freedoms enjoyed by other members of our organisation and the broader community.
We are proud to stand in solidarity, not just this month but into the future too. We are keen to learn more and are committed to make changes along the way. Our rainbow logo clearly shows that we are supporters, but it is our actions that will really make a difference and it’s a difference that we are determined to achieve.
Happy Pride!