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    So what makes a good Brand so valuable? 

    Does your brand deliver a clear, powerful and memorable message? Whether you are a large organisation, small business, profit or non profit company you will need to compete for resources, funding, talent or business. Strengthening your Brand will help you to stand out from the crowd, rise above the competition and it will truly represent the promise that you make to your customers in terms of quality.

    • Competitive Edge

    In todays hectic multi media world making a lasting impression is more important than ever. Everyone is busy and people expect to find what they are looking for in seconds. Your brand is your promise of quality to your customers and the message that this portrays play a vital part in attracting new customers and retaining old ones too.  As long as your products/services are inline with your quality Brand, then your Brand will certainly give you a competitive edge.

    • Motivation and Trust

    What is it that motivates people to choose your product or service over someone else’s? Your Brand. Brand is so much more than just a logo design, a graphical image or a creative name, it’s the entire customer experience. Our experienced design team take the values and assets of your company, an understanding of its history and ethos, what exactly the product or service means to people and then transform it into something that connects with both customers and potential customers. It will help motivate people to engage with you and build trust and Brand loyalty. Satisfied customers are loyal, spend more money and refer others and this satisfaction comes from a great Brand experience.

    • Strength and Pride

    Create a Brand that everyone is proud of. If your brand truly represents your business then internal support will grow too. Your Brand should reflect the vision for your business, where you are currently positioned within the market place and where you want to be positioned in the future. It is everything from an advert, to a company brochure, to your voice on social channels or how your employees answer the phone. The strength of your Brand within your business is just as important as external perception. It is certainly much easier to sell a brand that you believe in yourself and it is for this reason that successful companies spend time and effort “selling” their brand internally. Support throughout the company will strengthen the Marketing departments ongoing effort for consistency in presentation and will contribute to the overall success, positioning and strength of the Brand itself.

    • Grow with you

    No business stays the same. Over time lots of things change, customer’s expectations, technology, fashion, competitors the list is endless. That is why your Brand needs to be fluid, and have the potential to adapt to changes and new challenges without losing integrity. Brands that become staid or boring no longer reflect what the business is all about and this can be disastrous. Don’t let the competition creep up on you, lead the way with a strong Brand that identifies your business as one that delivers and consistently exceeds expectations. When a brand does not give a consistent message it can lose out on vital opportunities and may fail to reach the desired audience at all. It then doesn’t matter how good your offering is, the message will become diluted and opportunities missed.

    Get your Brand working for you now!

    We work with businesses of all sizes across all sectors and can offer a range of bespoke solutions that will suit your needs and that can be tailored to your budget. Whether you are looking to give your Brand a little refresh or you require a whole Brand creation with complete project management, our Bronze, Silver and Gold Branding solutions will get you the advice and support you need to ensure your Brand is unique and adds value to your business.

    Call 44 (0) 207 231 8000    Email [email protected]


    June 01, 2018 by Carly Moncrieff Categories: Industry insights


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